Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Questions We're Guessing you Want to Ask...

What exactly will you be doing overseas?
We will both be working on TWR's tight-knit Public Relations Department.  Michael will be an PR strategist, and I will be an internal communications journalist.  Mike's job will include a lot of brainstorming and initiation of projects that will raise awareness about TWR and open doors for potential missionaries and supporters.  I'll be working on global prayer initiatives, writing grants for direct fundraising, contributing to the staff/supporter newsletter, etc.  

Interesting fact:  Our boss is Barb Shantz, who is from Canada, who was the maid of honor and vice versa in Marilyn Amstutz' wedding; her daughter, Melissa Amstutz, was MY bridesmaid!  Small world, huh?

How does that impact the radio programs?  What exactly does TWR's Public Relations Department do?
Without the work God is doing through TWR's Public Relations department, continued and new programming would be practically impossible.  TWR is full of broadcasters, writers, producers, technicians, etc.  But for those radio programs to be recorded in studios, professional translated, and broadcast over the waves, it takes a lot of money!

The PR department is the primary tool of fundraising to keep these programs going.  They travel to potential donors all over the world, and teach other regions of TWR to learn how to fundraise themselves.  

What is my donation going to be used for?
When you give money to Michael and I through TWR, it goes in a fund for us.  While we're overseas, that money will be used to cover our plane ticket, our apartment rent, our health insurance, etc.  As a non-profit organization, TWR needs your help to "pay" its staff members.

You might be wondering what paying for our rent has to do with contributing to missions.  :-)  Without the funding from our financial supporters, we would not be able to work with TWR.  The PR Department is significant, but you can imagine there is more work than workers.  Right now, there is a significant need in the PR department for workers, and God has opened positions with job descriptions that 'just so happen' to be what Michael and I have the skills and experience to fit into.  TWR is looking for younger workers to impact a new generation of listeners and supporters that want to change the world for Christ; we hope to help them with that.  

What other ways can I get involved?
1. Our biggest need is prayer....  We will keep this blog posted with needs.  We will NOT be able to go without prayer support; the money simply will not come in.  It took a lot of prayer to get us to where we are right now, and we know that a constant reliance on God is going to have to be a priority.  

2. Financial Support....Right now, $37,000 seems insurmountable, but we know that God wants to use us, and we're having to patiently wait for the answer to how that is going to happen.  Honestly, whenever I think about how much we have to raise, I feel panicked.  How will all that money come in?  Oh, I didn't explain TWR right to that person.  What will we do if we can't raise enough?  It goes on, as you can imagine!  

3. Interested in short term missions?... Check out twr.org/makingwaves.  It's a very short film for just-graduation college students or even high school students that reveals the variety of ways to get involved.  Be a graphic designer in Asia.  Be a broadcaster in Holland.  Be an administrative assistant in Africa.  The possibilities are endless.

4. Spread the word... Please feel free to pass along our information or blog to anyone you think might be interested.  We're realizing we only know so many people, and it is going to take the help of our friends and family to get the word out about Trans World Radio.

Please e-mail us at hmcolletto@gmail.com.  Drop us a note in the comment box! Let us know what information we can give you.  If you're interested in monthly e-mail updates, send us your address.  We want to be as accessible to you as possible.

God bless,

Heather and Mike


bshantz said...

Hi Mike & Heather, et al!
Can't wait until you get to Bratislava and all the work waiting for you! We're holding on by our fingernails! :-)

Hope to see you soon,
Barbara Shantz
TWR Europe