Monday, May 11, 2009

Request for Prayer

Hello dear friends,

Mike and I are at a crossroads of sorts. We have absolutely no idea where we are going next. We have several options in front of us, and we're pleading with God: "Which one?! Tell us!" God has us so safely in his hands. Though each direction we could go is full of uncertainties, we know that if A or B is where God wants us, everything will be taken care of. The problem we are having now is hearing which direction is the one he wants us to go to.

I personally have worked quite hard to figure things out from a logical perspective. (Fun fact about me: I never learn.) Maybe God wants us to do this because of that; maybe what God is trying to do is get us here so we can eventually go there. I don't know if you've experienced this human phenomenon, but, let me tell you: it gets you nowhere!

Please pray with us. Pray for God's plan to be revealed. Pray that we are filled with peace and contentment, not anxiety. We know it will be in his perfect timing. We know that the deadlines coming up for these decisions (cough cough) do not matter to God.

Thank you for your prayers about Romania. I hope it is okay that I take some time to process before sharing! God was moving mightily, for sure. I do feel confident that the next step for me is pursuing an area of ministry that works directly with girls rescued from sex trafficking. Now how to go about that....

In other news, Mike and I totally chopped off each other's hair. That's right, friends. Mike Colletto looks like my boyfriend again. ("Husband," he keeps reminding me. He did have this haircut when we married.) He gave me this adorable angled bob. We're quite pleased with ourselves, actually.

Thank you. We're taking a week of personal vacation (finally!) this week, so we pray it is a time of renewal and quiet before God. With lots of rocking espresso to boot.

La revedere, as they say in Romania.

Heather and Mike